
Hello World

I keep some traditions: I always start new blogs with the famous "Hello World" from WordPress. So: Hello world! Does the world need another blog? I don't know. But I have set myself some goals with this blog.

Tegernsee in January 2022

Hello World

I keep some traditions: I always start new blogs with the famous "Hello World" from WordPress. So: Hello world!

Does the world need another blog? I don't know. But I have resolved to give something to the world with this blog. So this blog is my gift to the world. It is my hope to give ?the world? something that it wants or with which it can do something. Because, I have received a lot of support over the last decades, met great people and was allowed to learn a lot. So here I would like to try to give something back.

This is not meant to sound as if I have not yet supported people. Quite the contrary, I have already helped some people with advice, action and also financially (the latter unfortunately turned out to be mostly a mistake). But now I would like to do this (additionally) in a broader context.

I myself have been active as an entrepreneur for two decades and today I look back on many things I have done - as well as some things I have not done - with different views and insights than I had back then. Especially when it comes to business models and their innovation, I think I have learned a lot. Exactly these topics I would like to share and hope that my blog readers can benefit from my experiences and insights.

So, I wish you much joy and insightful insights while reading the upcoming articles! And of course I am happy about every suggestion, feedback and also questions.

Cordially yours,